Sunday, August 31, 2008

Other touristy stops

We also stopped at the corn palace in Mitchell S.D. and Wall Drugstore.  I wouldn't bother with the corn palace.  I think in its heyday it was probably cool, but was lacking in greatness now.  Although a total tourist trap, I loved the Wall drugstore!  They have billboards everywhere, so you just have to stop (see photo).  It had just about everything you could think of.  I bought a companion for Lance, but no it is not another gnome.  I thought Lance might get jealous.  Stay tuned for pictures and try to guess who Lance's new buddy is.

The Badlands

Quick pic of the Badlands.  The Lakota Sioux termed this region, "mako shika", meaning "the bad lands".  I thought it was quite beautiful myself.  I think their definition of badlands, meant something altogether different... 

We're in South Dakota

This is a picture of the beautiful rolling hills in South Dakota - there was lots of fields of sunflowers.  Pay careful attention to the background and tell me what Sarah is about to do....

Our first day

Well we woke up really early in Pittsburgh...5am to be exact.  We drove all day and actually made it to Sioux Falls (for all you naysayers who said we couldn't do it!).  All I can say about Ohio is there is a ton of cops!  One every 20 miles or so on the highway, waiting with their radar guns.  Luckily we stopped speeding once we saw the first cop!  After that, we were golden.  You'd be amazed hot fast the Fit can go :)  Also, to note.  In case you are ever there, Fremont Indiana is the fireworks capitol of the country.  Even though I blew up all my fireworks at the Fingerlakes on the 4th, I decided to forgo restocking.  I didn't think the winery would appreciate...


Just wanted to post a pic of my honey in front of our house.  It's is going to be a hard 3 months.

Leaving Philly

Thought I'd share some photos today of what we have been up to since we left on Thursday.  So, that you understand why there is a garden gnome in many photos, my good friend Tommy let me borrow his gnome, Lance (aka moondoogie) to guide us in our journeys.  He has a long past...sorority house to europe.  We thought it was time for Lance to enjoy the great West.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jen's Serene Adventure

Check out the "shout-out" from the founder and a teacher of mine at the Wine School of Philadelphia.
I have to thank Keith for helping me find my path towards the wine industry. A toast to Keith!

Hasta la vista Philadelphia

Today is the day of departure. First stop is Pittsburgh. Roni and Dave have been gracious enough to let us stay at their place tonight. Next stop is Sioux Falls....if we can make it, it's a looooong drive. Still have lots of packing to go. Hopefully we can fit everything in the Fit, ha ha.
Stay tuned for exciting adventures to come.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

From Pharm to the Farm....

Well, today was my last day of work. It was sad, but I was overwhelmed with all the well wishes and words of encouragement from my co-workers and knew I made the right decision. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to follow my dreams! Thanks PSGA, I will miss you!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Quote from Sideways....

Miles (trying to explain to Maya why he is so into pinot noirs): "It's a hard grape to grow. As you know. Right? It's, uh, it's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It's, you know, it's not a survivor like cabernet, which can just grow anywhere and thrive even when it's neglected. No, pinot needs constant care and attention. You know? And, in fact, it can only grow in these really specific, little tucked-away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand pinot's potential can then coax it into its fullest expression."