Sunday, August 31, 2008

Other touristy stops

We also stopped at the corn palace in Mitchell S.D. and Wall Drugstore.  I wouldn't bother with the corn palace.  I think in its heyday it was probably cool, but was lacking in greatness now.  Although a total tourist trap, I loved the Wall drugstore!  They have billboards everywhere, so you just have to stop (see photo).  It had just about everything you could think of.  I bought a companion for Lance, but no it is not another gnome.  I thought Lance might get jealous.  Stay tuned for pictures and try to guess who Lance's new buddy is.


Kris said...

Wall Drug! Yay! =) Congratulations on staying on course, I knew you girls could do it. I love your pictures and I just watched the movie where I think the gnome traveling started...hint, its a french film. Any one know the movie?

Jen said...

A European woman asked me about it yesterday and referenced the movie, but I haven't seen it - after getting many odd stares from others. Okay, who knows.....???