Saturday, October 11, 2008

15 1/2 hours.....

Well, I have been putting in 12ish hour days since last week, but today we got our first large arrival of fruit. Since they are predicting rain in about a week or so, we need to bring in all our fruit in the next week, which means we'll be bringing in 70 plus tons a day. In the past the max they have done is 50 tons, so this could get interesting....

I'm still testing the vineyard grape samples to see if they are ready to be picked, but basically the schedule is set.

Since our Syrah is done cold soaking we have begun innoculations with different strains of yeast. So, now I also get to test for the levels of primary Amino Nitrogen and Ammonia so that the winemaker can determine the nutrition and how to proceed with the yeast innoculations.

I've never worked this long of hours before, but was still able to have a smile on my face most of the day. Although at the end of the night I was getting pretty tired and so ready to be done scrubbing the tartrates off the chute....but I did have a lot of fun with the power hose and now my sneakers are soaked and drying over our heating vents.

Since I didn't write about last weekend, and my friend Tommy's visit....I am going to backtrack with the next's 12:30 am and need to be in at 7am, but who needs sleep???

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