Friday, November 14, 2008

Rite of passage

Well I got to dig out my first tank! I have mostly been in the lab and not too involved with the cellar work since there is so much to do lab wise, but I was told I had to dig out a tank. So, I did. It was alot of fun. Kind of reminded me of shovelling snow when i was a kid and we would solicit all the neighbors for jobs. I had to get hooked up to a harness just in case I passed out from too much CO2 - this way they could pull me out. Also wore an O2 meter, as a warning, so I could get out before I passed out. We have open top fermentors, so I was not so worried, but safety is always best :) Just in case you were wondering, you shovel out the skins in the tank after fermentation is complete and you have drained off all of the juice. Then the skins go into the press.


Unknown said...

That's pretty funny. Did you have to clean and sanitize the tanks too? I'm sure that par of it isn't nearly as much fun. Just so you know, I'm still keeping up with your posts, I meant to respond to your party pics but life's been hectic the past couple weeks. Lots going on in the life of Tommy. Hope all is well.


p.s. - Did you remember that you have camping stuff at Nat's? I haven't spoken to him since I visited, but you should give him a ring just to make sure he doesn't move out and leave your gear!

Jen said...

Hello tommy!
Yes, I actually just picked up my camping stuff the other weekend. It was a pretty funny story. I think my roomate scared nat and his roomies a bit...Can't wait to catch up on everything and see you soon!!!!