Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sensory analysis

So one day this past is a blur now, can't even remember what day it is, but maybe this was tuesday....our winemaker brought in someone to teach a course on sensory analysis. I've never had a course quite like this. We smelled and tasted various levels of alcohol, tannin, citric and other acids, sulfur, sugar...and caffeine and alum to mimic the effects of a bitter and astrigent substance on the tongue. In addition, the coolest thing in my opinion that we did was we got to smell through wine faults.....oxidation, ethyl acetate, VA, Acetaldehyde, Polymercapton, Di-methyl, Brettanomyces, TCA (what they call "corked"), and phenolics. I definately need some more practice on the id, but it was a good start!

Got out at a reasonable time and was able to head up to portland to hang out with tommy. I knew the weekend was a no go, so was happy to have one last night to hang out.
We went to Alexis', a greek restaurant. It was so yummy, but I must admit that I found some of the above faults in the greek wine we had......
Went for some cocktails at the saucebox and then had to go home to sleep to prepare for another long day at work.....

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sounds like a very interesting and informative course. Now you will know what you are drinking, and which are the better wines.