Our last night before heading to Boise to stay with Jenna, we opted for a little civilization and stayed in Jackson Hole. Finally some food not cooked over our single burner stove. Let's just say we had a great time and meet some interesting people! We ate at the Gun Barrel...had bison carpaccio, elk chops, venison brautwurst and last but not least, bison prime rib. Good thing I never went on that skinny bitch diet, ha ha.
Went out to the Silver Dollar bar, then to the infamous Cowboy bar, and lastly to a local spot called the Tavern. Of course there is always an after party somewhere as well!
The great thing about traveling is the interesting people you meet. We were almost convinced to stay the weekend in the hole, but knew we had to travel onward....I'm sure we'll be back.
The taverns and bars I will definitely like to visit but eating those EEEUUHH things, NEVER!!! Not white but EEEEUUUHH!!
Sorry Sarah, its over for you but I can tell you had a lot of fun!!
Good luck Jen! And keep having such a wonderful time!
Good job. Great pics. Barbara came over twice to look at your trip and said you really covered a lot in the time you had. Sorry this is my first blog but as you know we were in Las Vegas. I recommend, the sights and not the slots. Looking forward to hearing more.
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