Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wine Tasting Part II

The second winery we got the behind the scenes tour was Archery Summit. Me and Bryan actually already had an opportunity to visit the winery when we were on vacation and bought a bottle to celebrate our anniversary. But we didn't get the tour! This is one of my favorite wineries so far in regards to the style of pinot I like... If you're lucky, maybe I'll even share a bottle with you when I get home.


Anonymous said...

Please bring some home with you. Bryan

taralap said...

Jenny!!!!!!!!Just had a chance to look thru all your posts! wow! Looks like you are having an amazing time!

K8lyn1028 said...

Hi Girlfriend! Miss you tons!!! I get sad when I walk by your house and you are not there! Anyway I have been keeping up with the blogs...very exciting! Be sure to keep posting pictures. Bring home lots of wine!!! Hopefully I will get out to visit... we will figure it out.